(Allows the mod to add body hair to a sim when they age up from a Young Adult to an Adult) Hair > Allow Roll Body Hair On Adult Age Up = True.

Helps to fix sims with corrupt or improper outfits) (Checks all sims’ outfits whenever the sim is reset. (Increases the minimum number of accessories that can be randomly added to a male sims’ outfits, during the “Check Outfits” process) Accessories > Random Accessories > Male Minimum = 3 (Default:1).(Increases the maximum number of accessories that can be randomly added to a male sims’ outfits during the “Check Outfits” process)

(Allows the mod to add accessories to Children, Toddlers and Babies, in addition to the other age groups, during the “Check Outfits” process) Accessories > Random Accessories > Allow Accessories By Age > Child + Toddler + Baby = True.(Prevents the mod from adding any accessories that are not flagged as “Valid For Random”) Accessories > Ignore Valid For Random = False.(Allows the mod to add some accessories to a sim when they age up from a Young Adult to an Adult) Accessories > Allow Roll Accessories On Adult Age-Up = True.